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/ The X-Philes (2nd Revision) / The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso / xphiles / consp / jfkmisc1.zip

Jump To: Archive (5)  |  Text (29)

Archives (5)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
JFK.MIS Newsgroup Content 42 2MB 1993-08-10
LEWIS_AN.HUX Newsgroup Content 3 9KB 1993-08-10
NIXON Newsgroup Content 8 20KB 1993-08-10
OSWALD Newsgroup Content 2 9KB 1993-08-10
WITNESS.DEA Newsgroup Content 1 72KB 1993-08-10

Text (29)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ASSASSIN.THE Internet Message Format 34KB 1993-08-10
CRAIG.MS Text File 2,317 144KB 1993-08-10
GREER.VID Text File 25 708b 1993-08-10
HERITAGE.STO Text File 600 35KB 1993-08-10
HOFFA Internet Message Format 5KB 1993-08-10
HOLTZ_ON.PRO Text File 176 8KB 1993-08-10
HOOVER Internet Message Format 3KB 1993-08-10
KAUFFNER.MOV Internet Message Format 8KB 1993-08-10
KENNEDY.STA Text File 58 3KB 1993-08-10
KGB_ON.OSW Text File 227 10KB 1993-08-10
KING.ASS Text File 798 41KB 1993-08-10
LAROUCHE.THE Text File 150 8KB 1993-08-10
LARS.HAN Text File 76 3KB 1993-08-10
LIDDY Internet Message Format 1KB 1993-08-10
MANCHURI.CAN Text File 1,244 57KB 1993-08-10
MEDIA_AN.MOV Text File 911 59KB 1993-08-10
MOSSAD.THE Text File 234 10KB 1993-08-10
NIXON_AN.RUB Text File 546 25KB 1993-08-10
OLIVER.STO Text File 5,063 240KB 1993-08-10
OSWALD_L.WOR Text File 621 34KB 1993-08-10
OSWALD.QUE Internet Message Format 2KB 1993-08-10
REALIST.ART Text File 341 20KB 1993-08-10
RECORD.REL Text File 203 9KB 1993-08-10
RFK.ASS Text File 269 15KB 1993-08-10
SIMULATI Text File 48 2KB 1993-08-10
SPRAGUE.BOO Text File 262 15KB 1993-08-10
STOCK.MAR Text File 29 1KB 1993-08-10
TAKING_O.AME Text File 1,131 60KB 1993-08-10
THIRD.DEC Text File 121 5KB 1993-08-10